
技术编号:6087111 阅读:225 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Privacy protection method for machine communication, system and machine, communication service management entity and related equipment

The embodiment of the invention provides the privacy protection method of the machine communication, the system and the machine communication service management entity and the related equipment, and realizes the M2M privacy protection while reducing the signaling overhead. The method includes: business management entity receives the access message, according to the determined privacy check entity positioning information; the management of the business entity to trigger the confidentiality inspection entity privacy check. Due to the M2M business management entity privacy inspection entity determined in advance and trigger privacy checking entity privacy check, therefore, the invention provides a method of reducing the mId interface information interaction and reduce the message overhead, thereby reducing the load on the network, especially for wireless network interface, reduce signaling overhead brought by the greater the benefits; at the same time, make full use of the privacy protection function and positioning process of 3GPP location server, reduce the complexity of platform.





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