
技术编号:6086767 阅读:220 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Rock drilling and rotating mechanism for connecting eccentric roller, push rod, roller, movable gear, inner gear, tooth profile

An eccentric wheel and push rod roller movable tooth inner gear profile connection drill rotational mechanism, including gear sleeve, shank and connecting sleeve, gear wheel and push rod sleeve and a connecting sleeve roller movable tooth inner gear profile is connected with the connecting sleeve and the eccentric shank with eccentric wheel and push rod roller movable teeth gear tooth profile connection or spline connection. The advantages of the invention are: independent rotary rail type drilling machine of the invention rotational mechanism overcomes the shortcomings of existing drilling machine rotational mechanism using spline connection exists, the eccentric wheel and push rod roller movable tooth inner gear profile for rotational mechanism connecting surface for drilling machine provides a self centering capability, convenient assembly and disassembly, eliminate stress concentration, simple transmission torque, rotating mechanism suitable for brazing heavy load section shape with, especially suitable for independent rotary drill guide.





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