
技术编号:6086652 阅读:407 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Integrated visual reversing radar image assistance system and signal superposition method

The invention discloses a superposition method of visual reversing radar image auxiliary system and signal, including reversing radar system, camera module and display device, image sensor, image processor and storage storage module is provided with the visual image camera module, the image sensor for car video signal and transmitted to the image processor and get the first image signal; the image processor receives the obstacle distance and azimuth information, and, after image storage module according to the distance information and location information, visual image and will be matched by processing the image sensor generates a second image signal, the image sensor is the second image signal superimposed on the first image signal to obtain the superimposed image signal; the display device, and image processor and image receiving. A superimposed image signal sent by the processor is displayed. The invention does not need to set up an electronic control module specially, and has the advantages of low cost of reconstruction and design.





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