
技术编号:6085871 阅读:254 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

An improved method for timing synchronization of OFDM systems in multipath channels

The invention relates to an improved method for timing synchronization of a OFDM system in a multipath channel. The improved method comprises: calculating the preamble sequence and the sender sends communication system receiver to receiver signal cross-correlation value; in order to search the receiver signal cross-correlation value and to determine the first two preamble sequence; based on the previous two find the preamble sequence, open the window to find subsequent preamble sequence, and the window all is greater than the threshold timing cross-correlation value recalculated, new cross-correlation value; according to the new cross-correlation values to determine the position of the window timing. The invention can effectively solve the performance degradation problem caused by multipath peak value judgment errors caused by multipath channels.


一种多径信道下OFDM系统定时同步的改进方法,其特征在于,所述改进方法包括:  步骤101:计算通信系统接收端信号的前导序列和发送端发送到接收端信号的互相关值corr;  步骤102:依次搜索接收端信号的互相关值corr并确定最前面两个前导序列位置;  步骤103:在找到前面两个前导序列位置的基础上,开窗寻找后续前导序列,并将窗内所有大于定时同步阈值的互相关值重新计算,得到新的互相关值corr_new;  步骤104:根据新的互相关值corr_new确定定时同步的开窗位置。



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