Precise grinding device for diamond grinding wheel for ceramic machining, including wheel arranged side by side plate and bottom plate grinding head grinding head total, total top from bottom to top is provided with a transverse moving plate grinding head and the grinding head motor, moving lateral movement along the plate head perpendicular to the axis of the motor shaft of the grinding head, grinding head motor moving along the axial direction of the motor shaft grinding wheel, the bottom plate from bottom to top is arranged with a connecting plate and wheel plate, longitudinal transverse moving wheel moving plate and wheel motor, the vertical shaft is arranged on the connecting plate, the lower end of the shaft and the wheel plate fixedly connected with the connecting plate can rotate around the shaft. The mobile axis wheel lateral movement along the plate grinding wheel motor shaft, moving the wheel longitudinal movement along the plate perpendicular to the axis of the motor shaft of the steering wheel. The utility model can precisely grind the worn diamond grinding head to ensure the fillet radius of the diamond grinding head after repair and reduce the production cost twice.
,涉及一种大型陶瓷产品加工过程中用于 修复刃具的装置,具体涉及一种精确修磨用于陶瓷加工的金刚石磨头的装置。
大型陶瓷的精密加工还处于探索阶段,相关的配套产业链很不完善,需用的设备 和工具大部分沿用传统的机械设备,如加工设备、刃具和工装夹具等,这些都为大型陶瓷的 精密加工提供了基础,鉴于陶瓷的特殊性质,有些加工机械不能采用简单移植得到。目前,以金刚石磨头为刃具,将该磨头安装在数控机床(CNC)上对大型陶瓷进行 精密加工。使用一段时间后,金刚石磨头的圆角尺寸和形状发生变化,必须精确修磨后,方 能继续使用,否则,只能废弃,造成极大的浪费。而现在只能采用砂石通过手工对金刚石磨 头进行修磨,无法精确保证修磨后金刚石磨头的圆角尺寸和形状。
为了克服上述现有技术中存在的问题,本技术的目的是提供一种精确修磨用 于陶瓷加工的金刚石磨头的装置,能将磨损后的金刚石磨头精确修复至要求的圆角半径和 形状。本技术所采用的技术方案是,精确修磨用于陶瓷加工的金刚石磨头的装置, 包括并排设置的砂轮总底板2和磨头总底板13,磨头总底板13的上面从下往上依次安装有 磨头横向移动板12和磨头电机11,磨头横向移动板12可沿垂直于磨头电机11电机轴轴线 的方向移动,磨头电机11可沿磨头电机11电机轴轴线方向移动,砂轮总底板2的上面从下 往上依次设置有连接板3、砂轮横向移动板5、砂轮纵向移动板6和砂轮电机7,连接板3上 竖直设置有转轴,该转轴的下端与砂轮总底板2固接,连接板3可绕该转轴旋转,砂轮横向 移动板5可沿砂轮电机7电机轴的轴线方向移动,砂轮纵向 ...