
技术编号:6083111 阅读:512 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Special mould for nail wind fastening

The utility model relates to a nail to wind special mold, the mold placed close wind and a fixed frame, placed on the wind to die die shape is closely linked to wind itself, just to the size of wind should be placed on the fixed frame, equipped with a return spring and a fixed pin; the wind closely installed in the mold placed on the floor, the floor is equipped with spring. The fixing pin hole on the fixing frame is provided with a fixed rope. The fixing frame is composed of a bracket and a movable adjusting rod. The utility model has the advantages that the design is reasonable, the design is novel, the existing molding equipment and the tooling are improved, and the utility model is composed of a special mold. With manual control, it is easy to operate, saves time, has low failure rate and high production efficiency, and can achieve better process requirements.





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