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技术编号:6082368 阅读:323 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Safety drink straw for children

The utility model discloses a beverage straw, which comprises a hard insertion pipe and a flexible inlet pipe or a flexible inlet pipe, wherein the flexible pipe is wrapped with a flexible pipe mouth or a hard pipe mouth end. The end of the hard tube of the flexible inlet pipe is in the shape of a spring in order to be convenient for packing. The port of the hard inserting pipe is a tip for the convenience of inserting the beverage straw into the packing box or the packaging bag. The tube mouth of the flexible inlet pipe is arc-shaped in order to better protect the child. When in use, will be inserted into the pipe section is inserted into the beverage in rigid, flexible tube entrance exposed, the child is in use, in the mouth of flexible pipe entrance, when accidentally fall or hit the face or eyes, can protect the child from harm; if the nozzle of the flexible pipe entrance set is circular. This child will not be oral protection of the nozzle blade scratch in sucking the beverage, even if the fall can also avoid Straw cause direct harm to the child facial skin or eyes.





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