
技术编号:6082353 阅读:280 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Clustering based data acquisition method for banded Wireless Sensor Networks

The invention discloses a band wireless sensor network data acquisition method based on clustering, the technical proposal is: using energy efficient clustering algorithm for wireless sensor network with clustering, select the cluster head node; set the cluster head node sleep scheduling, and sleep scheduling take the neighbor cluster head; mobile the sink node set and dynamic updating of their sleep scheduling; then each sensor node first packets of data to the cluster head node forwarding to the cluster, the cluster head node packets of data cache, when in the event time slot, if the received mobile Sink node broadcast query packets in the reply message, the data packet Sink sent to the mobile node in this time slot; if not finished, then wait for the next node active time slots in a frame. This approach ensures high routing efficiency while reducing energy consumption and prolonging network lifetime.


1.带状无线传感器网络基于分簇的数据采集方法,所应用的带状传感器网络由传感器节点(包含簇头节点)和移动Sink节点两类节点组成,传感器节点负责数据的收集和传输,移动Sink节点用于数据汇集并上传给远程控制端;移动sink节点至少具有双无线通信接口:即,既具备和传感器节点通信的无线通信接口,也具有和远程管理节点进行通信的能力;其特征在于,数据采集步骤如下:1)在网络初始阶段,采用能量高效的分簇算法对带状无线传感器网络进行分簇,选出簇头节点,每个传感器节点至少和一个簇头节点相邻;2)设置簇头节点睡眠调度,并获取邻居簇头的睡眠调度;3) 移动sink节点根据当前离自己最近的簇头节点以及当前时刻与移动Sink移动方向相同的此簇头节点的邻居簇头节点的工作时隙信息,设置并动态更新自己的睡眠调度;4)每个传感器节点首先把数据包转发给所在簇的簇头节点,簇头节点对数据包进行缓存,当处于活动时隙时,如果接收到移动Sink节点广播的query包,则在发送reply消息之后,在本时隙持续时间内把数据包发送给移动Sink节点;如果未发完,则等待本节点下一个帧内的活跃时隙。



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