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技术编号:6080235 阅读:592 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Automatic connecting device for air duct of railway vehicle

A railway vehicle automatic air pipe contact device, it is connected to the positioning frame under the carriage, a connecting hose is connected with the spring positioning and horizontal pipe and air pipe through holes in the compartment in the lower part of the fixed frame, and the positioning tube matched with a radial suspension composed of spring, rings, wire and the adjusting lever adjusting mechanism, the front end of the positioning tube is connected with a three-way valve, left and right air interface of the three-way valve are respectively connected with the plug nozzle and gas plug is assembled at the front end of the locking head over the road, in the mouth is arranged on the plug and socket locking head is matched, the mouth is located in the valve plug the rear set has a reset spring assembly valve on-off valve. The utility model can realize the automatic connection of the brake air pipe of the railway vehicle, solves the problems brought by manual operation of the connection and disassembly of the air pipe, and can effectively improve the efficiency of the railway operation.





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