The invention discloses a roasting method, in particular to a roasting method for controlling the loop of a rotary kiln. The invention provides a roasting method for controlling the loop of a rotary kiln, wherein the ring forming material can be split and removed by itself, and the thickness of the loop forming material formed in the kiln is thinner. The roasting method comprises the following steps: first in the rotary kiln body to determine the two distance between 3 ~ 5M and far near roasting roasting; with large diameter, short spiral flame roasting in recent roasting, baking with fine diameter, far point DC long flame roasting; determine different roasting with a roasting position, generating protective ring at the lower left point of the roasting roasting pellet in the kiln wall, the wall of the rotary kiln ringforming the kiln wall on the cracking off the rest of the rotary kiln roasting point; roasting by near point and far point alternate roasting roasting smoothly so in the ring roasting, not on the wall of the kiln roasting position due to temperature decrease and automatic cracking up yet.
生球经预热处理后进入回转窑焙烧,在正常焙烧情况下温度为1280°C。回转窑 以一定的角度安装,在进行焙烧作业时勻速转动,以使生球能慢速向窑头移动并得到均勻 焙烧。当球团的抗压强度满足预定要求后,就从回转窑中放出进入环冷机中进行冷却。从 生球进入回转窑开始,到从回转窑中放出为止的焙烧作业时间约为30min。在预热焙烧过 程中,由于原料粒度、成球性能不同、生球爆裂温度、热工制度的不合理,生球在预热焙烧过 程中容易产生大量的粉末,当粉末进入回转窑容易在气流作用下,改变运动轨迹,与球团表 面或窑壁接触,发生吸附,而且吸附在球团表面的微细粒随球团运动到物料底部,与窑壁接 触。当粉末吸附力大于重力而固结在窑壁上,就形成结圈。在实际生产过程中,结圈物与烧 嘴火焰的长短、火焰集中或发散度有极大的关系。目前生产中通常的焙烧方法是,采用相同 直径、相同长度的火焰集中焙烧回转窑内距窑头5 1Om的位置,在该区域长期形成一个火 焰高温区,于是便在该火焰高温区形成将近1. 3m厚的结圈物,而回转窑直径为5m,这样便 极端不利于窑中热气流进入预热段,影响热工制度的稳定,进一步增加了窑中粉末的产生, 结圈程度会越来越严重。窑中的这种结圈物结构致密、强度大,呈金属融蚀状,结圈严重时 需定期停机人工清除,成本高、危险大、窑衬破坏严重,影响设备作业率,极大地影响了球团 生产。目前,国内外球团生产厂家在生产过程中,普遍采用的清圈方式为停机人工清圈, 一般是每三个月便需要停一次回转窑,集中清理结圈物,存在耗时长、劳动强度大、作业环 境恶劣的 ...