With a micro alloy turbine blade of martensitic stainless steel, the main chemical composition (wt%): C = 0.03, Cr10-15, Ni2.0-6.0, Mo0.5-1.1, V0.04-0.20, N0.01-0.06, Si0.08-0.50, Mn0.2-0.8, Fe and other mainly for the inevitable impurities. The manufacturing method of the invention is to add high-quality stainless steel scrap, iron, nickel, molybdenum, iron, manganese, vanadium nitrogen alloy to the arc furnace, melting temperature 1500 to 1700 DEG C, then VOD refining, refining temperature 1500 to 1700 DEG C; the molten steel at a temperature of 1500 to 1700 DEG C cast into casting, and the casting at a temperature of 1100 to 1200 DEG C, 12 ~ 24h homogenization annealing, in 1000 ~ 1100 DEG C, air cooled to room temperature; then it is heated to 600 to 650 DEG C, thermal insulation, air cooling; then in the 550 to 600 DEG C for two times tempering, heat preservation, air cooling. The invention can improve the A1 temperature of the conventional material and improve the stress relieving annealing process, and can not reduce the strength of martensitic stainless steel because of the reduction of carbon content and the proper increase of the annealing temperature after welding.
本专利技术涉及一种不锈钢材料及其制造方法,特别是水轮机叶片用的马氏体不锈钢及其制造方法。技术背景马氏体不锈钢是钢铁工业中重要的铁碳合金。目前大型水轮机转轮及叶片普遍采用0Crl3Ni4 6Mo和0Crl6Ni5Mo马氏体不锈钢制造。近十几年在我国装机的外国公司生产的大型水轮机转轮,在运行中发生多起开裂事故,这些转轮用材均为上述马氏体不锈钢,而且这些开裂事故一般都是在焊接接头处产生疲劳裂纹,这主要与焊后应力消除不充分有关。主要原因是传统水轮机用大型马氏体不锈钢的A1点较低,焊后去应力退火的温度不能太高,以避免过多的奥氏体出现,影响其性能。因此,焊接应力消除不完全。在马氏体不锈钢中,碳是除铬外的另一重要元素。随着钢中碳含量的提高,淬火后的硬度随之提高,同时钢的强度相应提高,而塑性相应降低,而且,碳对钢的耐蚀性不利。在超低碳马氏体不锈钢中,降低碳含量可以提高A1温度,扩大去应力退火的温度区间,使焊接应力能充分消除。但碳含量的降低会引起马氏体不锈钢强度下降。
本专利技术的目的在于提供一种可以提高A1温度、充分消除焊接应力的水轮机叶片用微合金化马氏体不锈钢及其制造方法。本专利技术主要是在超低碳马氏体不锈钢基础上添加适量的钒和氮进行微合金化,通过均勻退火、空冷和回火工艺获得水轮机叶片用微合金化马氏体不锈钢。本专利技术的水轮机叶片用微合金化马氏体不锈钢,其化学成分(wt%)是C < 0. 03, Cr 10-15,Ni 2. 0-6. 0, Mo 0. 5—1. 1,V 0. 04-0.20, N 0. 01-0.06, Si 0. 08-0.50 ...
1.一种水轮机叶片用微合金化马氏体不锈钢,其特征在于:其化学成分(wt%)为:C≤0.03,Cr 10-15,Ni 2.0-6.0,Mo 0.5-1.1,V 0.04-0.20,N 0.01-0.06,Si 0.08-0.50,Mn 0.2-0.8,其余为Fe及不可避免的微量杂质元素。