
技术编号:6076690 阅读:203 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Fan blade

The present invention relates to a fan blade, comprising a cylindrical hub and a blade above, the cylindrical surface radius of hub is R0, which is characterized in that the two surface of the blade section and the cylindrical surface of the hub radius for different concentric cylindrical R X of the cut and leaves for the first and two curved line intersection the curve, respectively with the first and two curve curve tangent to the circle line as the blade cross-section midline L1, two points by line L1 line as the chord length L2, length B, angle and chord length L2 hub end for the blade installation angle, the ratio of L1 to the midline of the blade thickness and the chord length Tmax the length of B is relative to the thickness of T, t=tmax/b, =R0/R x x definition. The blade angle beta, chord length B and the thickness of T, the relative optimal design, so that each leaf is in the best state parameters, to improve the overall efficiency of the fan air flow, reduce the fan noise, and decreasing the thickness of T is relatively dispersed, blade inner stress, prolong blades life.


1.一种风扇风叶,包括圆柱形轮毂(1)和一片以上叶片(2),轮毂(1)的圆柱面半径为R0,其特征在于与轮毂(1)的圆柱面同心的半径为RΧ的不同圆柱面(3)所截得的叶片横截面(4)与叶片的两个表面相交为第一曲线(41)及第二曲线(42),分别与第一曲线(41)及第二曲线(42)相切的圆的圆心连线为叶片横截面(4)的中线L1,中线L1两端点的连线为弦长L2,长度为b,弦长L2与轮毂端面的夹角为叶片安装角β,中线L1法向上叶片的最大厚度tmax与弦长长度b的比值为相对厚度t,即t=tmax/b,定义Χ= R0/RΧ,当Χ分别等于0.3、0.4、0.5、0.6、0.7、0.8、0.9、1.0时,相应的β值为:13.42°、12.87°、11.96°、10.84°、9.61°、8.52°、7.76°、6.81°,相应的b值分别为68.21mm、70.07 mm、74.08 mm、80.4 mm、88.26 mm、98.12 mm、107.66 mm、114.16 mm,相应的相对厚度t值为5.13%、4.85%、4.45%、3.98%、3.4%、2.96%、2.6%、2.37%。



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