A medical instrument technical field in magnetic digital image navigation control system based on drug release capsules, including drug delivery capsule, extracorporeal magnetic driving device, control device and application in vitro in vitro real-time image processing device, drug release capsule located in the digestive tract through drug delivery, drug release in vitro spraying control device and control information release capsule drug delivery in vitro, real-time image processing device and the drug release capsule to wirelessly connect and transmit the video capsule information and output graphically, in vitro magnetic drive and drug release capsule controlled release capsule posture and position of drugs by magnetic force. The invention realizes the attitude and position of the active drug controlled release capsule in the digestive tract, according to the captured images to carry out detailed diagnosis of digestive tract diseases, to provide help for the image navigation operator in vitro magnetic control and application control, until the completion of the lesion spraying treatment process.