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技术编号:6071967 阅读:1695 留言:1更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Medicine core of cotton yarn belt substrate

The invention discloses a medicine core of a cotton yarn belt substrate, which relates to the dosage form of anorectal medicine. It is characterized in that it is a rod-shaped drug core coagulated by a cotton band and a soluble medicine and is exposed with a strip. In the treatment of hemorrhoids disease agents, there has been no \anal delivery\ dosage form, so that patients who need \anal canal administration\ in the \rectal medication\ inappropriate treatment. A solution for this problem, is to follow the idea of dressing disposal injuries to the skin, cotton belt as the core elements, one end of the cotton belt is immersed in the fluid in the formation of \medicine suppository, anal canal to rod-shaped cored medicine\ for length, and more drugs remaining a zone outside the anal stretch pull the end. The dosage form can be effectively restrained by the anus to be contained in the anal canal, so that the lesion can be fully obtained, and the nursing care of the cotton belt is stable, and the curative effect of the release of the medicine is stable. The invention is beneficial to the increase and income generation of the pharmaceutical products of the \hemorrhoid suppository\, and has great influence and positive impetus for promoting the scientific and technological progress and development of the intermediate drugs.

目前,医药市场提供的治疗肛门疾病的栓剂,均是指定“直肠给药”的剂型,由于肛 门疾病的特殊复杂病因,使需要“肛管给药”的患者,处在“直肠给药”的不当治疗中,这一 问题的结症,出于治疗肛门疾病的栓剂剂型,无法适应肛门扩约肌的收缩力,若实施“肛管 给药”易产生滑出,流失的无效给药,因此,在尚无“肛管给药”的现状中,很有必要提升治疗 肛门疾病栓剂的科技实用性剂型。专利技术目的本专利技术是要提供一种治疗肛门疾病的“肛管给药”的栓剂剂型,特别是一种棉纱带 基质的药芯,它能有效地克服“肛管给药”易滑出、流失大的问题,满足肛门疾病患者的理念 与需求,使其在“肛管给药”的剂型应用中受益。本专利技术不仅完善丰富了治疗肛门疾病的剂型;而且,对中医中药栓剂剂型的科技 进步与发展,具有积极的临床意义与推动力。技术方案本专利技术是要提供一种棉纱带基质的药芯,其特征是药芯的一端延长出一段带,其 性状是可溶性载药辅料凝固在棉纱带一端形成的杆状药芯。本专利技术所述棉纱带基质的药芯,它与现有栓剂不同之处,突出表现在把治疗皮肤 伤患的处置理念,融会贯通在剂型中,特别是以棉纱带为基质与药物结合形成具有敷料性 质的药芯,它能有效地被肛门约束容纳在“肛管”中,使肛门疾病病灶充分得到敷料缓释的 药物治疗与接触性扩理。本专利技术所述药芯一端延长出一段带,是支持“肛管给药”剂型合理性的必备要件, 是给药时预留在肛口外、更药时一并连同肛管内药芯拽出的带。实施例本专利技术提供的一种棉纱带基质的药芯,其实施条件,适宜栓剂制药企业工艺流程, 在成栓工艺的环节中操作。用于制作结合形成药芯的材料1、医用脱脂棉棉纱带2、中成药药栓原配方药物。由于上述均是已知材料,下面给出剂型适用的尺寸标准1、棉纱带自由长度约6厘米,平均直径约5毫米。2、杆状药芯将棉纱带3厘米长度段药渍,形成塞入肛门的杆状药芯,其余3厘米 段不浸药,留作肛门外露的带。3、药芯整形将杆状药芯定型直径5厘米。4、包装每盒10支。5、入库。本文档来自技高网...


1. 一种棉纱带基质的药芯,其剂型特征是可溶性载药辅...


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  • 来自[未知地区] 2012年06月22日 08:31