
技术编号:6071035 阅读:325 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for improving effective placement of proppant in large thick reservoir

The invention relates to a method for improving the proppant in thick reservoirs effectively laid, is mainly based on the thick reservoir in longitudinal properties of large differences in thick reservoir perforation, considering the hydraulic fracturing process of crack extending in the longitudinal direction to communicate over the reservoir and proppant transport in the process of proppant to crack at the bottom of settlement on proppant laying, centralized perforation on the thick reservoir; sand technology using different density proppant combination in the process of fracturing, proppant settling velocity with different density and different density of different articles convection sand fluid between the regulating agent in hydraulic support cracks in the laying, the supporting agent in fracturing layers in vertical reservoir according to the different requirements for the support of fracture conductivity and effective laying. The method can overcome the shortcomings of the prior art, improve the supporting efficiency of the reservoir and improve the yield increasing effect of the reservoir fracturing transformation.





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