
技术编号:6069002 阅读:246 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and apparatus for processing ACK/NACK feedback in carrier reconfiguration

The invention relates to the communication field, discloses a carrier configuration processing method and device based on ACK/NACK feedback, to avoid system error retransmission, the method is: the base station between the sub frame to n sub frame n+N does not include sub frame n+N, downlink sub frame, transmission 1 codes to the UE in the downlink on the main carrier, ACK/NACK received modulation symbols sent by UE and / or other uplink signal, and according to the ACK/NACK modulation symbol, the transmission in the downlink on the main carrier of the 1 codes of ACK/NACK feedback information, and execute the corresponding data retransmission, which will effectively avoid the transmission. ACK/NACK modulation symbols and other types of uplink signals at the same time, due to the UE and the base station caused by inconsistency of carrier number understanding UE using ACK/NACK feedback error, improve the ACK/NACK feedback transmission reliability and system efficiency of retransmission .





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