
技术编号:6068872 阅读:208 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method, system and machine terminal for transmitting machine service data

The invention discloses a method and system for transmitting machine business data and machine terminal. The method includes: the machine terminal to obtain the maximum permissible length of occupancy of uplink radio resource information; when the machine to send business data terminal machine, and from the wireless network to transmit upstream side machine business data opportunities. The machine terminal in less than or equal to the maximum allowed uplink radio resource occupied long time machine for sending uplink data to the wireless network business side. The invention enables the machine terminal data transmission can be carried out in the absence of RRC connection, ensure the data can be sent to the network side of the right; and can achieve interactive as little as possible signaling information, the wireless resource utilization can be maximized to ensure power machine terminal demand has the same when.





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