
技术编号:6067896 阅读:979 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Main reduction differential bearing adjusting device

The utility model relates to a main reducer differential bearing adjusting device, which comprises the main reducer differential shell (3), (1) the main reducing gear and differential gear shaft (2), differential gear shaft (2) through both ends of the bearing (7) and the shell (3) is characterized in that the shell (3) are arranged at both ends of the bearing hole with steps (5), (5) is arranged in a bearing hole and bearing shim (4) and (7). The utility model has the advantages of adjusting shim thickness by the computer according to the detected differential bearing seat width, the actual differential actual width size, combined with the tooth mounting distance by computer simulation of differential assembly installation, which ensures that the differential about bearing preload and the same drive gear and the driven gear meshing position in the actual installation distance, improve the service life and the operation stability of gears and bearings, reducing the noise of gear meshing.





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