
技术编号:6067792 阅读:201 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Highly reliable radio broadcasting method based on backbone structure

A highly reliable radio broadcast method based on backbone structure, which relates to the field of radio broadcasting technology. A broadcast method of it as follows: the first part is to build the high reliable backbone structure, the second part is the backbone structure to achieve high reliability based broadcast; first a high reliable radio backbone structure, each node in the network or to the backbone, or neighbor nodes of a node in the backbone of the structure; then, implementation in the broadcast, the backbone structure namely: only the structure of the backbone nodes broadcast packets; on the basis of the above, the structure of the backbone node forwarding probability of friendship opportunity based on: a reliable broadcast support node on the backbone structure. It combines the opportunity characteristics of wireless links to greatly improve broadcast reliability and reduce broadcast overhead by exploiting the chance of node forwarding along the backbone structure of broadcast and backbone structures.





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