
技术编号:6067350 阅读:640 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Access method and Portal system for Portal system

The invention provides a portal (Portal) access method and Portal system, wherein the method comprises the following steps: the main Portal server and backup Portal server address record access device is connected with the main and standby Portal server equipment heartbeat message; Portal client from the access device to obtain the main and backup Portal server address and save to the main Portal server sends an authentication request message; authentication request message through the access device forwarded to the AAA server, the AAA server for user authentication is successful, the successful authentication message through the access device feedback to the main Portal server, access device to save the user connection information; the main Portal server authentication successfully received message forwarded to the Portal client, save connection information of users, and Portal client interactive user heartbeat message. The invention can improve the reliability of the Portal system.


一种门户Portal系统的接入方法,应用于包括Portal客户端、接入设备、主用Portal服务器、备用Portal服务器和AAA服务器的Portal系统,其特征在于,所述方法包括:  接入设备记录所述主用Portal服务器和备用Portal服务器的地址,分别与主用Portal服务器和备用Portal服务器交互设备心跳报文;  Portal客户端访问网络时,从所述接入设备获取主用Portal服务器和备用Portal服务器的地址并保存,向主用Portal服务器发送认证请求消息,所述认证请求消息中携带用户的信息;所述认证请求消息经接入设备转发至AAA服务器,AAA服务器对所述用户认证成功后,将认证成功消息经接入设备反馈至主用Portal服务器,所述接入设备保存所述用户的连接信息;  主用Portal服务器将接收到的认证成功消息转发至Portal客户端,保存所述用户的连接信息,与Portal客户端交互用户心跳报文。



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