
技术编号:6065404 阅读:257 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Non pressure double nozzle inclined type hydraulic turbine for cooling tower

No special cooling tower pressure double nozzle turgo turbine runner, including spindle, bearing device, a casing, an upper cover plate, a water collecting bucket is arranged in the casing and the nozzle nozzle is the nozzle I and II; I and II nozzle center line and the horizontal runner 22.5 degrees; runner connected by a key and a nut and the lock plate and the spindle; the invention will lift pump into surplus flow rate for non pressure double nozzle turgo turbine use, so that the turbine output power, direct drive fan cooling turbine; the invention of novel structure compact, turbine of small size, double nozzle flow capacity, flow regulation performance and operation efficiency of the turbine is high, parameters of turgo runner and the fan design is matching, thus ensuring the cooling fan performance is good; it replaced The traditional cooling method driven by motor and reducer achieves the goal of energy saving, environmental protection and low cost, and has a wide application prospect. ?





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