
技术编号:6065341 阅读:256 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

An experimental device for simulating the influence of sand production on reservoir productivity

The invention discloses an experimental device for simulating the influence of sand production on the reservoir productivity. The device comprises sequentially connected the liquid storage tank, at least one group of sand test unit and the entrance of oil sand separation; oil sand separation device and the outlet of the liquid storage tank is communicated with the sand; each test unit comprises sequentially connected the high pressure plunger pump, liquid flowmeter, reservoir simulation and device sand control pipe; the liquid storage tank and the entrance exit are high pressure plunger pump connected to the entrance; the sand pipe outlet and the oil sand separation device is connected; the reservoir simulation device includes a reservoir simulation cylinder and is arranged in the reservoir simulation cylinder cavity formation sand and the reservoir simulation cylinder along the axial direction of the cylinder body is provided with at least one pressure sensor B; the reservoir simulation entrance end of the cylinder and the sand control pipe outlet are equipped with pressure sensor a.





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