
技术编号:6065306 阅读:351 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Door type composite pipe shed arch structure for tunnel portal and construction method thereof

The invention discloses a method for tunnel entrance door type composite pipe roof arch structure and its construction method, including pipe roof arch and the two sides of the entrance is located in the top of the tunnel is located in the pre reinforcement of the pile structure, pipe roof arch and reinforcement pile connected by pre reinforced pile supported pre reinforced pile; the top is fixedly connected with the top beam, the top beam and pipe roof arch is filled between the bag back fill. The construction method is as follows: first, the two sides in the excavation and reinforcement pouring pile, the pile embedded in the connecting sleeve; and the excavation of pipe roof arch section, and retain the core soil; then in the connection sleeve is inserted into the connecting bar, at the same time pouring pipe roof arch, the pre reinforced pile is fixedly connected into a whole at the same time, the pipe roof arch reserved casing pipe shed, set the long pipe shed; at the end of pipe roof arch above the filling bag backfill, and pouring the top beam, the completion of the construction. The door type composite pipe canopy arch structure of the invention is more stable and has better mechanical performance, and can effectively prevent the collapse of the tunnel entrance and the sliding of the side and the slope.





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