
技术编号:6064950 阅读:180 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Resource publishing method and system

The invention discloses a resource distribution method, the method includes: the combination of centralized release issued and distributed, delivering resources; among them, using the centralized release mode, issued by trusted resources management resources, directly into the pool of resources or resource storage database and the demand side resources release; using the distributed release, released by the non credible resources management resources, after the successful verification to the resource pool or the resource storage database and to obtain resources issued. The invention also discloses a resource publishing system, which comprises a resource publishing and realizing unit, which is used for combining the centralized publishing mode and the distributed publishing mode to realize the publication of resources. By adopting the method and the system of the invention, the quality of the resource, the quantity and the type of the resource and the need of the guarantee of the resource when the resource is released can be taken into consideration.





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