
技术编号:6063077 阅读:207 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Mobile communication terminal

The utility model discloses a mobile communication terminal, belonging to the field of mobile communication. The mobile communication terminal comprises a main body of the mobile communication terminal and arranged on the mobile communication terminal in the RF circuit, one end of the main body of the mobile communication terminal is provided with a first antenna, the other end is provided with the main body of the mobile communication terminal is made by the RF line and one end of the lanyard lanyard, electrically connected to the RF circuit; the other end of the rope is provided with second antenna the lanyard electrical connection. The utility model is provided with the rope, so that the first antenna of mobile communication terminal from the second antenna increases between the first antenna and the second antenna in a mobile communication terminal distance; in addition, the lanyard connecting second antenna, to prevent the loss of the second antenna, also improves the portability of mobile communication terminal.





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