
技术编号:6062145 阅读:298 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

A method of service clustering in service oriented virtual network

The invention relates to a virtual network composed of a virtual router, in particular to a clustering method for constructing a virtual network for differentiated services. According to the definition of user service clustering hierarchical network service, and virtual network generation service oriented business, which includes the following steps: analyze and abstract business parameters according to the different business needs of users showing the parameters selected perceived network performance; secondly, through a specific time clustering calculation within the scope of business bandwidth with time volatility to determine the dynamic characteristics of the resources, determine the business need for dynamic adjustment of resources; finally, through two times of strong clustering, dynamic resource business second times to do business polymerization, and the user needs into clustering attributes. The invention effectively solves the problem of service clustering in the virtual network, and can push the network virtualization technology into industrialized application. Compared with the traditional clustering technology, it is simple, efficient and flexible.


一种面向服务的虚拟网中业务聚类方法,针对用户业务聚类定义层次化网络服务,从而完成面向业务的虚拟网网络服务的生成,其特征在于包括如下步骤:  1)针对用户不同业务需求呈现出的业务特征参数进行分析、抽象,选定感知网络性能的参数;  2)通过一次聚类计算特定时间范围内的业务带宽随时间的波动率来判断该资源的动态特性,确定业务是否需要进行资源动态调整;  3)通过二次聚类,对强动态资源的业务做第二次业务聚合,并把用户需求转换成聚类特征属性。



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