
技术编号:6061615 阅读:264 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

A switching processing method, network element and network card card CITIC source

A switching processing method, network CITIC yuan source line card and the card, which belongs to the field of communication. The embodiment of the invention in the source card data in the data stream into the package cell; then, insertion time labeling and flow marks in the cell header, the header and the labeled cell payload is sent to the card; the card according to the received time stamp in the cell header cell and flow marks will be sent to the destination cell sequence or a network card. By the time mark into cell head and flow mark, to ensure the exchange network belongs to a flow cell output sequence and the input sequence of the same, so that the card can be received through the objective cell sequence of recombinant packet simple.





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