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技术编号:6060761 阅读:428 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and apparatus for providing updatable key binding to trusted platform modules

A processing system with a trusted platform module (TPM) that supports the migration of digital keys. For example, when the processing system has the first configuration, the application in the processing system may create the first configuration key as the sub key of the TPM storage root key (SRK). The application can also create a subkey that updates the root user key associated with the update mechanism as the first configuration key. The application can also create a user key as the subkey for the updated root user key. When the processing system has a second configuration, the application can create the second configuration key as the subkey for the SRK. The application can request the migration permission to update the organization. In response to receiving a license from the update mechanism, a sub key that can migrate the root user key for second configuration is applied. Other embodiments are also described, and their rights are requested.





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