
技术编号:6060709 阅读:256 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Changeable weight type rod elevator

The utility model relates to a lifting oil sucker rod with changeable weight type rod elevator, including U type derrick and elevator seat is installed in the U type boom through the ring, elevator seat assembly with a switching mechanism and switching mechanism for hand side board wrench, in the elevator seat and pumping rod parts section connected installed one is made of 45CrNiMo material is arranged in the middle of the clamping opening replaceable ram stalls by the positioning bolt. With the rod of the sucker rod lifting elevator with different specifications, only need to replace the rod elevator on the corresponding weight can not only save the handling rod elevator time, but also the rod elevator the easy wear parts into wearing parts, after a period of time only change of weight without discarding the whole elevator, the product has the advantages of simple structure, convenient operation, high work efficiency, low cost, long service life, can greatly reduce the labor intensity of operating workers.





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