
技术编号:6060611 阅读:242 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for simultaneously holding two nets in CS domain of single card double standby terminal and related system and device

The embodiment of the invention provides a method for single card dual standby terminal CS domain and hosting two network and related system and apparatus, which includes the method applied to the network side, receiving terminal to send a single card 2G, 3G network location update request, the request carries the same user ID and the terminal together; CS domain location update, the terminal CS domain in 2G, 3G network, and save the position information of the terminal resident network; when receiving CS domain service sent by a calling subscriber request, priority according to the stored 2G position information to select 2G network CS domain service, when there is no 2G or 2G position information network the network does not meet the business requirements of CS domain, according to the location information stored 3G select 3G network CS domain service execution. Through the above scheme, the UE resides in the two network at the same time, and the 2G network is preferentially selected for the CS domain service, thus avoiding frequent reselection between the 2G and 3G networks and improving the communication quality.





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