The utility model relates to a novel buried heat insulating pipe without support, which relates to the field of construction. It comprises an outer protective pipe, insulation layer, steel pipe; the insulating layer is arranged at the inner side of the outer tube, the steel tube is arranged on the inner side of the insulating layer; the utility model is: the process of steel tube, wear a platform wear protective tube, special spraying release agent, automatic positioning, hydraulic flange sealing pipe preheating to open the hole injection material, insulation layer forming, sealing material, automatic injection demolition product inspection hole, hydraulic flange; can effectively avoid the network in the operation process by the thermal heat loss, better insulation effect and ensure the qualified rate of production, greatly avoid the pipe insulation cavity, reduce heat loss, maximum the use of heat energy, improve the insulation of the working life of the tube.
本技术涉及建筑领域,具体涉及一种新型的无支架直埋保温管。技术背景传统管道的工艺流程为钢管上穿管平台一钢管上手工绑扎支架一穿套外护管一密封法兰涂脱模剂一两端上法兰密封一钢管预热一开孔注料一保温层成型一封堵注料孔 —拆卸法兰一成品检验。传统管道制作工艺中,通常每隔2米捆绑一组环形支架,其作用是介于外护管与工作钢管的支撑作用,防止在生产过程中产生保温层的偏心、厚度不均,无法达到理想的保温效果。在实际使用中,支架产生热桥热传导的媒介作用,支架部分产生热传导,导致更大的热损失(每组支架由10个木块组成,每个木块截面积为15平方厘米,一组支架的截面积为150平方厘米,均摊到每米的截面积为75平方厘米,木材的导热系数一般为0. 08-0. 2左右比聚氨酯保温层要高2. 4-6倍,大量支架的使用必然会造成热能的损失)。原来传统工艺中,每延长米管道会多产生2 %的热损失,传统工艺中,传统支架的生产过程中会由于无法捆扎严密,聚氨酯原料浇注过程中产生巨大的推力会推动支架倾斜或松动,导致原料成型后密度和保温层的厚度不一致, 影响保温层的保温效果和生产合格率。传统支架是每隔2延长米放置一组支架,每组支架有10个,每隔2米会产生约10 个空洞,极大影响了保温效果,产生一定数量的热量损耗。由于传统工艺中每隔2米设置一组支架,使管道埋地时土压力大部分通过支架传导至工作钢管,造成外护管局部应力过大,尤其是采用无补偿冷安装或保温管埋深较大时尤其明显,从而降低了外护管的使用寿命
本技术的目的是提供一种新型的无支架直埋保温管,它能有效避免了管网在运行过程中由热桥损失的热能,更好的保证 ...