
技术编号:6058333 阅读:328 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Uplink transmission rate control method and system

The invention discloses a control method of an uplink transmission rate includes: the donor base station (DeNB) from the relay node (RN) radio resource control (RRC) carrying the uplink logic channel information signaling, Un interface uplink logic channel parameters corresponding to the execution, and reconfiguration of Un uplink interface logic channel; or, according to the RN Un interface uplink logic channel parameters carry RRC signaling from DeNB, determine the Uu interface uplink logic channel corresponding to the parameters, and then perform the reconfiguration of Uu uplink interface logic channel. The invention also discloses a control system for uplink transmission rate. According to the invention, the priority data relationship between the Uu interface and Un interface logic channel uplink uplink logic channel rate (PBR) and the token bucket size length (BSD) parameters can be matched, so as to ensure the uplink data transmission performance of UE, realize the rational allocation of resources.





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