
技术编号:6057372 阅读:162 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Lifting platform for shaft construction

The invention discloses a shaft construction lifting platform, including platform, elevator and electrical control system, electric control system of hoist control by wire rope lifting platform, wherein the working platform is composed of circular 6 to 12 trapezoidal element sections, after the operation platform is provided with at least 4 groups around the ring collision the wall round, at the bottom of the operation platform is surrounded by at least 4 sets of screw support assembly. The invention has the advantages of strong construction adaptability, high construction height, little occupation space, good construction quality, high efficiency, convenient erection and installation, less labor and labor, low labor intensity, etc.. According to the needs of the construction of the trapezoidal units are combined to meet the requirements of different construction shaft conditions, in the installation, use convenient, save construction time, reduce the construction cost; adjustable wall collision wheel and screw support components to meet the needs of different shaft construction, can conveniently and safely prevent platform shaking, the whole platform a more stable and reliable.





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