
技术编号:6056516 阅读:227 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

An online operating system based on Cloud Computing

The invention relates to the field of an online operating system, in particular to an online operating system based on cloud computing. The system includes: a kernel module sharing cloud terminal, to provide support environment of basic services, including user account verification module, application management module, distributed storage module; online terminal operating system module, suitable for providing terminal equipment running support environment, including: Application module, used to provide applications; online loading module, for online load application; environment module operation, to provide the program operation interface and system level setting function; terminal adaptation module for providing adaptation to different terminal port. The invention provides a unified online programming environment for all types of terminals, to provide a quick access to the user for all kinds of online services and content, and content sharing and interaction in different hardware terminal, and through the domain security mechanism to ensure the system and application program security.





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