
技术编号:6056298 阅读:302 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for managing network storage system

The invention provides a method for managing a network storage system, the RAID RAID can be used to create space according to the specified length is divided into resource blocks, in creating logical resources as the logical resource allocation at least one resource block, and record the corresponding relationship between the logical resources and resources allocated to the block read and write IO disk error occurred; the members of the RAID disk, update the resource block records; and according to the multiple priority reconstruction and reconstruction strategy resource block record of the status of the concurrent execution, the invention by priority leads to resource block downgrade disk error and reconstruction, and at the same time other concurrent error disk resource block data on the reconstruction and further; priority needs to rebuild the resource block least error disk, effectively improve the multiple reconstruction speed, and reduce the risk of data loss in the process of reconstruction. The invention also provides a management device corresponding to the network storage system.





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