The utility model discloses a large truck brake drum temperature monitoring device, which has a temperature sensor, signal display and alarm device, the temperature sensor is installed in the front of the brake drum dust cover, temperature probe and signal display alarm device is connected between the probe and signal display alarm device is installed in the cab signal display and alarm device at the same time multi-channel display device, a temperature probe for far infrared temperature probe can measure the temperature of 0-900 DEG C, the temperature probe is fixed on the probe bracket with dust, detecting the light beam to the brake drum. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, easy installation, short response time of the temperature detection and sensitive response, and the sound alarm can be set at the same time when the digital display is less than 10 seconds. The utility model can effectively avoid the brake failure caused by the high temperature of the brake drum.
现有的大货车,载重量都较大,再加上司机为了多拉快跑,赚取更多的运输利润, 往往是超限量运载,5吨的装载10吨,15吨的实际装载30吨,甚至更多。使得原本就难以 适应的大货车刹车装置更加危险。平时在坡度较大的路段上,往往会遇见大货车刹车鼓温 度过高而导致制动系统失灵,发生翻车、撞车等安全事故。车毁人亡的惨剧时有报道。究其 原因,除了人为的超载运输外,与现有大货车刹车鼓没有相应的温度监测装置存在很大关 系,司机一般要到车轮处冒烟了才会想起给刹车鼓浇水降温,可那时可能为时已晚,已经无 法控制车辆了。因此,很有必要对现有的大货车刹车鼓的温度监测开发一套实时监测和报 警装置,以尽可能避免上述类似安全事故的发生,更好地保护人生和财产安全。
本技术的目的就是提出一种大货车刹车鼓温度监测装置,使该装置能够连续 不断地自动监测着车轮刹车鼓处的温度变化情况,并且自动地将温度信号传送到驾驶室 中,当出现温度过高时自动发出报警信号,提醒司机采取相应的措施,以此解决现有技术的 不足。本技术提出的这种大货车刹车鼓温度监测装置,它有温度探头,信号显示报 警装置,其特征在于温度探头安装在刹车鼓前面的防尘罩上,温度探头与信号显示报警装 置间有探头连线连接,信号显示报警装置安装在驾驶室。每个刹车鼓上加装一个温度探头。或者,只在需要监测的刹车鼓上加装温度探头。信号显示报警装置是多路同时显示的装置。温度探头为远红外线温度探头,可测温度为0-900°C。温度探头用焊接在防尘罩上的探头支架固定,探测光束射到刹车鼓上。本技术解决了现有大货 ...