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技术编号:6054712 阅读:244 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

The return blood shows the positive pressure to close the indwelling needle

The utility model relates to a return blood displaying positive pressure closing indwelling needle. The device comprises a venous indwelling tube, a sealing plug, a connecting pipe and a soft elastic membrane and positive pressure switch, soft pipe liquid flow to the downstream end of the soft tube indwelling needle is connected, even flow of liquid to the upstream end is connected with a positive pressure switch, the elastic membrane is installed in the pressure switch, pressure switch is open in the relaxation of elastic membrane the positive pressure state, the switch is closed, the elastic membrane oppressed plugging pipeline, the soft even effective extrusion pipeline within the liquid, improve the venipuncture blood return indication function is more sensitive and have closed flow function of the liquid in the pipe extrusion on blood anti indwelling needle at.





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