
技术编号:6054660 阅读:169 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Ultrasonic cleaning machine

Ultrasonic cleaning machine, relates to an industrial cleaning equipment, ultrasonic cleaning tank, an electric control cabinet, including tooling basket, transducer, electric heating pipe and a temperature sensor, the cleaning tank is divided into inner groove and the outer groove, groove bottom is provided with a U shaped sediment tank; sewage pipe is also arranged between the inner and outer groove bottom groove bottom, U the sewage pipe shaped sediment tank and tank bottom is communicated with the drainage pipe port located outside the external tank; cleaning tank is also provided with a notch above the end cover, rear end cover is fixed on the cleaning tank, and between the side cover of the cleaning tank is fixed with a nitrogen spring strut, the front end cover a handle is arranged; the end cover is divided into upper and lower cover, the upper cover and the lower cover by bolts, the lower cover is also provided with a seal ring; the ultrasonic transducer is positioned in the washing tank, the bottom of the tank and at the front and rear wall; cleaning tank outside the tank bottom The four corners are also provided with castors and adjusting supporting feet. The utility model has the advantages of good cleaning effect, high use safety, long service life and convenient movement.





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