The invention discloses a Cr system high temperature solar selective absorption coating and preparation method thereof, coating from the bottom to the surface in the infrared reflective layer, absorbing layer, anti reflection layer, the first layer of infrared reflective layer consists of three layers, the middle layer is Ag infrared reflective film, this layer on the plating respectively. A layer of protective film, protective film for any kind of Cr2O3 or Al2O3 in the film; the second layer absorption layer includes two sub layers, are AlCrN+AlCr film, the percentage of the first sub layer of AlCr is greater than the size of second sub layers of AlCr volume percentage; third layer anti reflection layer is made of Cr2O3 film or Al2O3 film any kind of composition. Preparation of infrared emission layer on the surface of the substrate for the pure metal target DC magnetron sputtering method, the preparation of second layer absorbing layer on the first layer of metal on the Cr and Al targets mid frequency magnetron sputtering method, the preparation of third layer in the second layer by medium frequency magnetron sputtering method of metal target.
,具体涉及一种Cr系高温太阳能选择性吸收涂 层及其制备方法。
太阳光谱选择性吸收涂层在可见-近红外波段具有高吸收率,在红外波段具有 低发射率的功能薄膜,是用于太阳能集热器,提高光热转换效率的关键。随着太阳能热利 用需求和技术的不断发展,太阳能集热管的应用范围从低温应用(彡IO(TC)向中温应用 (IOO0C -3500C )和高温应用(350°C -500°C )发展,以不断满足海水淡化、太阳能发电等中 高温应用领域的使用要求。对于集热管使用的选择性吸收涂层也要具备高温热稳定性,适 应中高温环境的服役条件。对于太阳能选择性吸收涂层目前已研究和广泛使用了黑铬、阳极氧化着色 Ν -Α1203以及具有成分渐变特征的SS-C/SS(不锈钢)和A1-N/A1等膜系,应用于温度在 200°C以内的平板型集热装置的集热管表面。但在中高温条件下,由于其红外发射率随温度 上升明显升高,导致集热器热损失明显上升,热效率显著下降。为了提高中高温服役条件下选择性吸收涂层的热稳定性,Mo-A1203/Cu、 SS-A1N/SS等材料体系得到了研究和发展,采用了双靶或多靶金属陶瓷共溅射技术,其中 Mo-Al203/Cu体系的特点是MO-A1203吸收层具有成分渐变的多亚层结构,A1203层采用射 频溅射方法,SS-A1N/SS体系的特点是吸收层采用了干涉膜结构,使热稳定性提高。上述涂 层在使用温度350°C -500°C范围内的聚焦型中高温集热管表面获得了应用。但是双靶或多 靶共溅射、射频溅射等工艺沉积速率低,生产周期长,工艺复杂,成本高。 ...