
技术编号:6054434 阅读:218 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Network traffic monitoring method and device

The invention discloses a network traffic monitoring method and device. Among them, the method includes: obtaining configuration data, user configuration, the configuration data including speed rate; according to the corresponding relationship between the speed limit rate interval preset and add token period of time, the rate of acquisition and allocation of the speed limit interval corresponding to the time period, which, in the corresponding relationship. The greater the value limit rate interval corresponding to the time period of the smaller; the configuration token token bucket add time period. For the time period of access; supervise the use of the token bucket of network traffic. According to the invention, according to the speed rate of user configuration, dynamically add tokens, which solves the problem of adding time period because the token resulting from fixed speed error, thereby improving the accuracy of speed limit.





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