
技术编号:6054178 阅读:212 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Is there a judgment method for the noise of the broadcast receiving device and the broadcast receiving device?

The invention aims to provide a broadcast receiving device which can accurately judge whether or not the noise of a broadcast signal corresponding to the receiving environment is free or not. The present invention is to carry out AM detection and AM detection AM detection signal with IF signal received by the receiving antenna of the arrival of the broadcast wave radio waves (31) AM noise detection department of noise components and the detection of AM detection signal (32) of the radio receiving device (1), with: FM detection of IF signal and obtain the FM detection FM detection signal (33); detection of FM noise component FM detection signal of the detection unit (34); and the AM noise detection unit (32) based on the detection result and detection of FM noise (34) detection results to determine the noise of noise in the broadcast signal the judging unit (35).





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