
技术编号:6054044 阅读:185 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Emergency call service identification method and system

The embodiment of the invention discloses an emergency call service identification method and system, including the embodiment of the invention provides an emergency call service identification method: S110, according to the distribution and retention priority ARP configuration identified emergency call carrying user in call service; S120, when the full foot switch condition, the switch request message increases the emergency call bearer identification and the handover request message to the target base station; S130, the target base station according to the emergency call bearer identification identify emergency call service. Including emergency call service identification system: source identification module 210: according to the ARP configuration to identify users carrying emergency call in call service; increase identification module 220: used when meet the switching condition, the switch request message to increase the emergency call load identification; target recognition module 230, according to the emergency call the identification of the emergency call service.





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