
技术编号:6053901 阅读:214 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Expandable thoracic access

The present invention relates to a scalable thoracic inlet, and provides an operation into the assembly, the assembly includes the operation into the subject, the main body has a first end plate and a second end plate of the first and the second plates relative to each other and the side plates are connected with each other. The first end plate and the second end plate are movable between the folding position and the expansion position so that the first side plate and the second side plate are moved relative to each other between the proximal position and the separated position accordingly. At the separation position, the first side plate and the second side plate are outwardly bent and separated from each other to define a passageway between the first side plate and the second side plate. The flexible membrane is coupled to the first side plate and the second side plate and extends from the first side plate and the second side plate to the proximal side.





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