
技术编号:6052297 阅读:257 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and apparatus for preparing an implant with improved bone cement adhesion

The invention discloses a modified biomedical implant surface (e.g., orthopedic implants) and methods of making and using such implants, the surface modification can enhance bone cement with strength (such as tensile strength, shear strength and / or fatigue strength). The implant may exhibit a variety of physical, chemical, or process derived features that can enhance bone cement bonding. For example, the implant surface may present specific roughness values, and / or essentially non native materials. A method of making such an implant may include providing a first rough implant surface that can be prepared by sandblasting with particles such as particles. A processing agent can be applied to the first rough surface to generate a second rough surface exhibiting an enhanced bone cement bonding property relative to the first rough surface. The second rough surface is formed on the first rough surface. In some cases, the first rough surface and the second rough surface can present substantially similar Ra values. The second rough surface can present a negative Rsk value.





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