
技术编号:6051645 阅读:295 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and apparatus for configuring a donor base station or donor cell for mobile relay nodes

The invention discloses a method and a device for mobile base station or relay node placement in donor donor cell, the method includes: operation and maintenance OAM system to obtain the location information of the mobile relay node RN, and determined according to the mobile RN can access the location information of the mobile RN alternative donor base station or the alternative donor cell; the OAM system will be the alternative donor base station or alternative donor cell indicates that the service of donor base station to the mobile RN, mobile RN service or the donor base station to the mobile RN indicating the alternative donor base station or alternative donor cell through the service, for the donor base station of the mobile RN targets selection of donor base station or the target of donor cell for the mobile RN. By adopting the invention, DeNB or DonorCell can be configured for mobile RN in the moving process of mobile RN.





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