A clean and efficient mushroom bed temperature facilities, is saving, environmental protection, high quality and high efficiency of edible fungus production technology, by setting up a permanent simple and low cost air circulation and convection facilities in the production of edible fungi shed, both in the winter to shed heat evenly dispersed into the upper mushroom bed again, in the high temperature when the fungus bed will shed a cold (cool) uniform gas into mushroom bed, which is flexible and efficient and no pollution to adjust the mushroom bed temperature, oxygen concentration and improve the fungus bed, promote normal fruiting and mycelial growth. The invention solves the problem that the growth of the mushroom bed (or ground temperature) is too low or too high in the north of China, resulting in the poor growth of the mycelium, the problem of no mushroom or mushroom, and the purpose of saving, cleaning and high quality and high efficiency (anti season) production.
目前我国食用菌生产新技术新方法层出不穷,随着食用菌生产过程中 的各种成本和费用不断上涨,食用菌生产利润空间愈来愈小,如何进一步降低食用菌生产 成本,实现食用菌低成本优质高效生产,尤其顺利实现食用菌反季节优质生产,已成为食用 菌生产技术研究的重要方向。
本专利技术可较好解决我国北方因出菇菌床(或地温)过低或偏高导致菌 丝生长不良、不出菇或出菇不理想的老大难问题。通过在食用菌生产棚内设置一种简易永 久性和低成本的空气循环、对流设施,既可在冬季使棚内上层热量均勻分散传入食用菌菌 床,又可在菌床温度偏高时将棚外冷(凉)气均勻传入食用菌菌床,从而灵活、高效和无任 何污染地调节食用菌菌床温度,并提高菌床氧气浓度,促进正常出菇和菌丝生长,从而达到 节约、清洁和优质高效生产之目的,尤其可较为顺利地实现反季节出菇生产。具体实施方式可在我国广大北方食用菌生产棚中尤其在日光节能温室生产中 应用,效果极其理想,可提早或延后出菇,特别适合在需覆土栽培的食用菌生产中应用。权利要求1.一种新的清洁、高效食用菌菌床调温设施,其特征是在食用菌生产棚内设置一种 简易永久性和低成本的空气循环、对流设施,既可在冬季使棚内上层热量均勻分散传入食 用菌菌床,又可在菌床温度偏高时将棚外冷(凉)气传入食用菌菌床,从而灵活、高效和无 任何污染地调节食用菌菌床温度。2.根据权利要求1所述的食用菌菌床调温设施,其特征是在食用菌生产棚内设置一 种低成本和简易空气循环、对流设施,在冬季可使菌床温度(地温)上升2°C-7°C,夏季可 ...