The utility model discloses an outer wall thermal insulation decorative integrated board, which comprises an insulating layer, an adhesive layer and a flexible finish layer, wherein the heat insulating layer, the adhesive layer and the flexible facing layer are laminated into a whole. The beneficial effect is that the insulating layer and the flexible surface pressure as a whole, products with prefabricated, standardization, diversification, construction and assembly of high efficiency, good decoration, wall insulation and decoration integral board specifications can be adjusted automatically, without building size can adapt to the complex influence of Chinese and Western architectural needs; in addition, the connection wall bracket the heat insulation and decoration integrated plate by connecting a pressure belt carrying way connecting bracket in thermal insulation and decoration integrated plate bracket is connected between the support and the heat insulation and decoration integrated plate, the force is uniformly dispersed in the body, to solve the quality problems caused by sagging of the whole wall. Thermal insulation decoration plate insulation layer continuously, connecting bracket dragging anchor will flexible surface under the insulation layer to form a complete region, blocking the pathway of the cold wall heat conduction, effectively solve the \cold bridge\ phenomenon.
本技术涉及一种外墙保温装饰一体化系统;特别是涉及一种大型外墙保 温装饰一体板及其保温装饰一体板之间的连接托架。
建筑物外墙体保温常规是将EPS、XPS、聚氨酯、酚醛泡沫或无机发泡材料等保温材 料与多种造型、多种颜色的金属装饰板材或无机预涂装饰板的有机复合,对于外墙保温装 饰一体化系统的金属板及饰面,很难达到国家规定的建筑使用寿命,国家以明文规定住宅 项目限制、禁止使用金属饰面材料。由于柔性面材拒水透气性,柔韧性、自重、耐候性和耐冻融性、防火性、耐污性、胶 粘强度和与外墙外保温体系的相容性均符合国家标准,适合用于外墙外保温饰面层或者预 制成外墙外保温装饰材料。柔性面材作为饰面层,由于整体自重低于mcg/m2,可直接用水泥基粘结剂粘贴在 基层上,当作为保温材料的饰面时,保温材料与墙体结合,其上涂覆有机粘贴层和柔性面 材。但现有的保温柔性面材均为人工单体粘贴,进度慢,施工难度大且存在很大的安全隐 患;铆固钉只起到保温层与墙体的固定,而且有机粘贴层易老化影响外层饰面墙的使用寿 命,保温材料之间拉制缝、打胶勾缝费工费时,整体效果欠佳,由于墙体保温不好,极易出现 “冷桥”、渗水、墙皮脱落、发霉等现象,影响建筑物的整体寿命。
本技术所要解决的技术问题是,克服已有技术的缺点,提供一种集外墙保温、 装饰为一体结构的保温装饰一体板,以及保温装饰一体板的连接托架。本技术所采用的技术方案是一种外墙保温装饰一体板,包括,保温层、胶粘 层和柔性饰面层;所述保温层、胶粘层和柔性饰面层压合为一体。还包括有抗裂砂浆层和无纺布层;在所述保温层上压合有抗裂砂浆层和无纺布层 ...