A device for positioning of automobile frame plate welding and solder joints, installed in the table, which is characterized in that the solder joint positioning device includes a sliding platform; clamp plate; fixture; fixture plate is provided with a welding workpiece and the welding part bending arc consistent arc groove is fixedly arranged on the sliding platform. Wear guide is arranged on the arc-shaped groove of the clamp plate, the sliding platform along the arc groove direction relative to the arc slip; clamp plate is provided with a groove is an arc diameter line and can move up and down limit pin, a sliding platform is provided with a plurality of respectively and a limit pin is inserted with the limit the hole, consistent spacing hole interval and the welding distance between solder joints. The present invention in the fixture plate with welding workpiece along the sliding platform in the process of movement through the limit pin with a spacing hole, automatically find the solder joints, can effectively ensure the position and number of solder joints, prevent leakage and partial welding welding.
汽车门框是汽车行业的重要零配件之一,在汽车门框成型过程中,为了提高连接 的可靠性,通常要将门框立柱的内板和外板再进行焊接。在门框内外板的焊接过程中,焊点 的分布一般与门框立柱的滚弯弧度一致,是沿弧线分布的,由于焊点数量较多,焊点的位置 分布不均布,在焊接过程中很容易出现漏焊,或者焊点位置偏移等问题。目前,汽车门框的内外板焊接一般都采用人工点焊,焊接过程中通常采用划线方 式或十字滑台方式来限定和控制焊点的位置。其中,采用划线方式限定焊点位置存在以下 问题1、必须有熟练的手感,否则效率将会受到较大影响;2、容易漏焊,焊点位置难保证; 3、劳动强度大,需要集中精神对线,容易产生视觉疲劳。而采用十字滑台方式限定焊点位置 则存在以下缺点1、劳动强度大,滑台重量大,滑动路线长;2、结构复杂,生产成本高,需要 对焊接机进行改造;3、效率偏低,滑动路线长,需目视对限位槽;4、对操作员要求高,限位 槽位置无法自动找正。因此,综上所述,采用上述焊点定位的方式,焊点位置的确定受到人为因素的影响 较大,进而影响到焊接质量和焊接效率,并且存在很大的不确定性,无法保证产品质量,而 且,采用人工点焊的工人劳动强度大,对人员要求比较高,也会增加生产成本。
本专利技术所要解决的技术问题是针对上述现有技术现状而提供一种能有效保证焊 点位置和数量,从而提高焊接质量和效率的用于汽车门框内外板焊接的焊点定位装置。本专利技术解决上述技术问题所采用的技术方案为一种用于汽车门框内外板焊接的 焊点定位装 ...