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技术编号:6050672 阅读:226 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Diaphragm pump diaphragm with valve seat seal and diaphragm pump with valve seat seal structure

A valve seat sealing sleeve and valve seat seal diaphragm pump diaphragm with diaphragm pump structure, the outer ring and the inner diaphragm with diaphragm diaphragm in the body, the body is provided with vibration clamping position and seat mounting hole, the seat mounting hole is arranged on the side face of the valve seat seal under the extended set. The diaphragm pump comprising a pump body, a pump cover, a vibrating body, diaphragm and valve seat; the valve cavity of the pump body is provided with a sealing sleeve and the valve seat hole level, the lower part of the valve seat into the valve seat sealing sleeve and the sealing sleeve squeezed between the seat and the seat stepped hole; and the utility model is additionally provided with a sealing sleeve through the valve seat in the original seat mounting hole, enhance the diaphragm valve seat installation position of sealing performance, can effectively avoid the phenomenon of leakage, Water Leakage seat mounting parts, provided with a step hole in the valve cavity, diaphragm pump, sealing sleeve can be squeezed between the seat and the step hole seat, the extrusion sealing solution the sealing problem here, prolong the service life of the diaphragm pump.





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