
技术编号:6049820 阅读:128 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Data forwarding method, device and system in relay network

The embodiment of the invention provides a data forwarding method, a device and a system in a relay network. The method includes: service data unit of the first protocol data unit corresponding to the user equipment did not confirm the packet data convergence protocol encapsulation, second protocol data unit; to the target base station transmits the second protocol data unit; in order to make the target base station according to the second protocol data unit obtains the service data unit and the serial number, and according to the sequence number in sequence to the user equipment issued by the service data unit. The device comprises an encapsulation module and a first transmitting module. The system comprises a source relay node and a target base station. The embodiment of the invention of the PDCP UE package of unacknowledged data, transmitted to the target base station, the target base station sends the UE unacknowledged data, realizes lossless switching between the source and the target base station RN.





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